Categories: Pastor's Blog

Daunte Wright Response

I invite you to join us as our Redeemer Covenant Church family prays for our community in the wake of the recent killing of Daunte Wright. We pray for his family in their grief. We pray for those in our community, especially our Black brothers, sisters and neighbors, for whom this incident is one more cause for heartbreak, anger, fear and outrage, and we stand in solidarity with those crying out for justice.

We pray for those in our community who see the violence that has erupted and fear for their safety or livelihoods, and we pray for peace.

We pray for the officer responsible for this killing and for her family as she faces both the personal and professional consequences of this incident.

We pray for Brookdale Covenant Church and their witness and ministry so close to the epicenter of these events. We pray God’s blessing upon the times and space for prayer they are opening up to their community.

We pray for justice, for peace, for transformed hearts and communities, and for the love of Christ to be evident through the Church. We pray for God to break our hearts over the things that break his heart, and we pray for God’s Spirit to guide us into Christ-like response to the pain and brokenness that have been further exposed this week.

In the hope of God’s grace,
Pastor Ben